
Extra Space

Monday, August 23, 2010

Conservatory V Sunroom

Often I am asked the difference between a Sunroom and a Conservatory.
Apart from the obvious Price difference, there are practical differences.

Location. The amount of direct sunlight to the site will be a defining theme. A north facing site is not suitable for a Conservatory, as it will benefit little from heat gain.

A south facing site is suitable for a Conservatory as it will benefit from heat gain, and if properly ventilated will be a valuable addition to a home.

Use. You should consider a Conservatory as being practical to use for 9/10 months of the year. In the coldest time of winter heat loss will make the Conservatory harder to heat.

A Sunroom however when properly insulated and heated will be like any other room in the house with the heating on in winter.

Price. A practical decision to be made depends on funds available, as a rule of thumb, a Sunroom will cost about E 10,000 more for the same amount of space.
So if available funds dictate a Conservatory, living space will be achieved at an affordable price

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