
Extra Space

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Poor Ventilation

As I show customers around my Conservatories, a comment often made its Too Hot in Summer and Too Cold in Winter, in a Conservatory.

Too Hot.

Any Conservatory under direct sunlight will take in the available heat gain, and if no ventilation will overheat.
This can be a problem if you are away from home all day and the Conservatory is locked up. Night Vents on the windows allow a flow of air while retaining security. A temp. controlled Roof Vent will allow warm air to escape. But ventilation and plenty of it is the solution, plenty of top opening vents in windows, open as many as needed to create a cross flow of air through the room.

Too Cold

Like any room in your house heating is required in Winter. Heat loss through the glass will add to your bills however with recent improvments in glass technology, things are improving.

I use a soft coat Low 'E' glass with Argon filling in the cavity. This gives the glass a U value of 1.1 which is a vast improvment on older double glazed units, which may have a U value of 2.5.

Triple glazed is also available as is Krypton Gas in the cavity, its now possible to get U values down to 0.7

Walls and floors need to be correctly insulated as well, so the days of Too Cold are a thing of the past.

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